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1. Community Christmas Dinner in Wolverhampton on 20 December 2024 in collaboration with Wolverhampton City Council -Family hubs, Social care & Cost of living support .

2. Winter Coats project 26 October 2024, 23 November 2024,  in partnership with ROC Charity - (@ROCWolves) and collaboration with Together in Pennfields Project, and Wolverhampton City Council - Family Hubs.



Housing the homeless project and working alongside/volunteering in some local charities supporting or housing the homeless.



Helping people process and discover who they are their self-worth and go further and discover their purpose in life.  We support people to go on a journey of self discovery and find what's hidden within them whether its creativity, talents or resilience to bounce back out of difficult seasons. They begin to discover that hidden treasure within.

We utilise various ways to support people on this journey whether it be coaching, mentoring, counselling, pastoral care (person centred and intergrated as well approaches utilised)

We also help people through teaching and bringing spiritual awareness from a biblical perspective that will help individuals discover their hidden treasure (that breakthrough solution in their difficult or darkest time, their value, worth, and even purpose). Bringing awareness that is able to help those trying to cope with or those on their journey through recovery from a place of brokenness, loneliness, grief and loss, mental health & wellbeing problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, etc, including awareness that will help carers of those struggling with mental health disorders. Hidden treasure also aims to help people in becoming more self aware and discovering new positive things about themselves and reinforcing their strengths whilst learning how to navigate through their struggles and brokenness in a constructive and helpful manner, as well as learn ways to turn their negative, dark, lonely, painful etc experiences to positives, by discovering the value and healing hidden in the midst of those bad experiences etc utilising the word of God and lessons learnt from life experience of biblical characters and other helpful testimonials. We also aim to provide pastoral care where applicable or signpost to other services where applicable.


Community engagement and outreach with a focus on mental health, emotional health and spiritual wellbeing  - Groups and workshops utilising various activities and short courses that help equip and empower people; Provide opportunities to connect and network with others, learn skills and benefit from sign posting where applicable; Helping those in need/vulnerable in our community in practical ways. We also provide 1:1 or 2:1 pastoral care and low counselling where required and requested. 

No events at the moment
Community Garden



Reach out
Touch lives

​We are a Christian non profit organisation supporting people in need,  vulnerable people and those less privileged in our society, with a view to raise their standard of living through benevolent acts and empowerment projects and also providing safe space to deliver various befriending mental health and emotional wellbeing therapeutic activities, workshops, events and short courses.


Community engagement, outreach, supporting and helping people in need, mental health and emotional wellbeing awareness and support, helping people out of isolation, grief and loss, support for families, parenting; events, workshops, 1:1 therapeutic support and relevant short courses.

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